Our work in the area of Franchises and Distribution, leads us to assist and advise, both judicially and extrajudicially, to numerous franchising companies and also franchisees, having been part of the Committee of Legal Experts of the Spanish Association of Franchisors and having carried out the Legal Advice of the Aragonese Association of Franchisors.
Our extensive experience has been rewarded internationally resulting in our office
lawyer chosen by Corporate INTL Magacine LEGAL AWARD 2010 in the category
"Office of the year in Spain in Right of Distribution and Franchising"
Published in Ambito
, 31 - March , 2022 Overview franchises
Investing in a franchise can require a significant outlay that leads us to resort to a partner as an option to divide the investment costs. First of all, we must understand what a partner is in the world of franchises, so Nicolás Suraci, director of Suraci Evolución de Empresas, provides important advice when choosing a strategic partner correctly. “The partner in the franchise area is the person who agrees to make a capital contribution to a company for a specific purpose. He is that person you can rely on in different aspects, such as economics, security or simply for sharing a similar opinion or vision when investing in a business. Many times, a partner is that extra encouragement that is needed to be able to advance in those ideas or business projects that we have pending, that is why your relationship with him and how we will choose him is so relevant”, explained Suraci.
In what type of franchise is it advisable to have a partner?
There are franchise models -which are called self-employment- that are developed so that the same investor is the one who executes and runs the operational part. In the rest of the models that require greater investment and greater dedication, it is recommended to have a partner, especially in cases in which the investor is thinking of having the franchise as a second alternative of economic income, but maintaining their dependency relationship. current, or as a second or third business that adds to those that are already operating.
What are the roles of partners?
In a franchise, the roles of the partners can be divided in different ways depending on their involvement. Joint: The partners are equal and have the same rights and obligations. Capital contributor: It is the one that makes capital investment, which can be a majority or minority part, and will participate in the key decisions that are made. Operation contributor: It is the partner who is actively involved in the day-to-day operation of the business, regardless of the distribution in the capital contribution. Decision maker: They make decisions based on the capital contributed; the one who contributes the most, has more decision-making capacity.
“For a healthy society it is very important to previously define the roles of each partner, and distribute the tasks and responsibilities according to the skills, knowledge and tastes of each one”, concludes Suraci.
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