Our work in the area of Franchises and Distribution, leads us to assist and advise, both judicially and extrajudicially, to numerous franchising companies and also franchisees, having been part of the Committee of Legal Experts of the Spanish Association of Franchisors and having carried out the Legal Advice of the Aragonese Association of Franchisors.
Our extensive experience has been rewarded internationally resulting in our office
lawyer chosen by Corporate INTL Magacine LEGAL AWARD 2010 in the category
"Office of the year in Spain in Right of Distribution and Franchising"
Published in Emprendedores
, 24 - June , 2022 Franchises of Spain
Sales in fashion-accessories grew 16.3% in May compared to the same month of 2021, with which the accumulated annual figure remains at 18.9%, according to the Monthly Barometer of Acotex (National Association of Textile Trade, Accessories and Skin). "The data is positive, although it is true that the comparable base is low, since sales in the month of May have come down -72.6% in 2020 and -15.5% in 2021", as they remember from the employer In any case, the sector continues in an ascending line, gradually recovering the sales lost in the last two years; in fact, since last September it has chained nine consecutive months of increases. "In May, in addition, there has been a significant increase in the number of tourists in our shops," they emphasize from Acotex. "The recovery of tourism is very important for the recovery of the textile trade, since a high percentage of sales are made to tourists." On the other hand, we are talking about a segment that, for some time now, has been facing major challenges that will define its future viability.
As challenges–competitive keys, great flexibility –which happens, among other initiatives, to bring production closer to Spain–, continuous launching of novelties –presenting many small collections adapted to the weather at all times–, a more personalized sale and the sustainability associated with quality, so that garments last longer. And to all this, we add the challenge of responding to promotional campaigns that take place almost without rest throughout the year and thus punish margins. Apart from these challenges, "the sector continues with a lot of uncertainty, motivated by the increase in the cost of electricity, raw materials and logistics and the Russia-Ukraine war, generating greater uncertainty and mistrust in the consumer," they conclude from Acotex. In this complex scenario, and with dark clouds on the horizon, the following brands have managed to hit the key and carve out a relevant space in the franchise market. These are your proposals.
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