Our work in the area of Franchises and Distribution, leads us to assist and advise, both judicially and extrajudicially, to numerous franchising companies and also franchisees, having been part of the Committee of Legal Experts of the Spanish Association of Franchisors and having carried out the Legal Advice of the Aragonese Association of Franchisors.
Our extensive experience has been rewarded internationally resulting in our office
lawyer chosen by Corporate INTL Magacine LEGAL AWARD 2010 in the category
"Office of the year in Spain in Right of Distribution and Franchising"
Published in Forbes
, 07 - December , 2022 Franchises of Spain
The Terra Norte chain of shops, cafeterias and taverns, specializing in products from the north of Spain, expands through the franchise model. Terra Norte is a unique business concept that combines three business concepts in one with the aim that the cashier does not rest for a single minute a day.
The Terra Norte franchise continues its journey under the franchise model with a different proposal for both clients and investors and franchisees. Its objective is to bring northern products closer to the rest of Spain and develop a wide network of shops-bakeries-taverns where customers can enjoy these select products at any time.
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