Our work in the area of Franchises and Distribution, leads us to assist and advise, both judicially and extrajudicially, to numerous franchising companies and also franchisees, having been part of the Committee of Legal Experts of the Spanish Association of Franchisors and having carried out the Legal Advice of the Aragonese Association of Franchisors.
Our extensive experience has been rewarded internationally resulting in our office
lawyer chosen by Corporate INTL Magacine LEGAL AWARD 2010 in the category
"Office of the year in Spain in Right of Distribution and Franchising"
Published in Emprendedoras
, 10 - May , 2024 Franchises of Spain
Sales in Spain of food distribution [hypermarkets, supermarkets and cash & carry spaces] grew by 7% in 2022, to 104,410 million, “driven by the rise in prices to face the strong inflationary trend in costs,” as they explain. from DBK. The data for the end of 2023 point to a prolongation of growth, with a forecast of about 133,150 million between Spain and Portugal. “The growing appreciation by the population of the proximity of points of sale continued to favor the business volume of some supermarkets and self-service stores that expanded their share [in the Iberian market as a whole they grew by 7.7%, up to 99,580 million ]”. In this sense, proximity is one of the growth levers for operators, along with sustainability. Regarding specialized businesses, Iberian and wine stores are advancing in their penetration.
Once the scenario is known, we share with you seven brands that may interest you if you are thinking of opening your own franchise food store, a selection included in our Special 100 Franchises, which we will break down in the coming days.
CARREFOUR EXPRESS. Network support in all existing fields.
DAY. More than 30% of franchisees in Spain manage more than one store.
EROSKI FRANCHISES. Competitive, profitable and solid models.
THE FISH GASTROSTORES. Tapas model based on its own vermouth.
IBERICO & CO. They cover the entire process: livestock, industry and store.
NORTH LAND. “We work with artisanal and quality references.”
WINE PREMIER. They display a catalog of more than 7,000 references.
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